Day 1 Sedona
Day 1 is off to an amazing start. I was informed prior that part of our work here in Sedona was balancing the energies We were guided to start with an Emerald Gate Activation. We then made our way to Cathedral Rock Vortex which is a feminine vortex. On our way there we received message from the Zeta about a gift that was coming as they were paying forward wisdom from when their species almost was annihilated and the humans assisted them. Right after John channeled in to an energy ( mantis and Zeta) that had arrived and I was able to support it from my side of the program. As the energy moved throughout the templates I was able to balance out different axis points of the masculine/ feminine . Bringing all into balance. Then a golden ball was brought up and I was able to place it into the field. At same time Lori felt her crown blow wide open. This opening continued as we sat the vortex point at the top. There is an amethyst crystal below this area that we had connected into prior as well as with another client just 2 days prior in a session. After I realized that we were at the purple crystal location which must have assisted with the crown opening energy for all. What a neat event to observe.
Layer that night more magic unfolded as the mantis sat around us and we were shown light language that prior had been Kept to just those 2. Upon looking at it. I Was told to look up at sky and I saw a being hand us a box and gave the contents to John which he has stored for now.
What a great first day to behold. It was so fun learning about different lives that we shared together prior and how our energetics have been brought together always in large t synchronization to do what it is we all uniquely do at this moment of now.
Brilliantly beautiful- such an honor.
Can't wait to see what continues to unfold.
Day 1 Sedona
Day 1 is off to an amazing start. I was informed prior that part of our work here in Sedona was balancing the energies We were guided to start with an Emerald Gate Activation. We then made our way to Cathedral Rock Vortex which is a feminine vortex. On our way there we received message from the Zeta about a gift that was coming as they were paying forward wisdom from when their species almost was annihilated and the humans assisted them. Right after John channeled in to an energy ( mantis and Zeta) that had arrived and I was able to support it from my side of the program. As the energy moved throughout the templates I was able to balance out different axis points of the masculine/ feminine . Bringing all into balance. Then a golden ball was brought up and I was able to place it into the field. At same time Lori felt her crown blow wide open. This opening continued as we sat the vortex point at the top. There is an amethyst crystal below this area that we had connected into prior as well as with another client just 2 days prior in a session. After I realized that we were at the purple crystal location which must have assisted with the crown opening energy for all. What a neat event to observe.
Layer that night more magic unfolded as the mantis sat around us and we were shown light language that prior had been Kept to just those 2. Upon looking at it. I Was told to look up at sky and I saw a being hand us a box and gave the contents to John which he has stored for now.
What a great first day to behold. It was so fun learning about different lives that we shared together prior and how our energetics have been brought together always in large t synchronization to do what it is we all uniquely do at this moment of now.
Brilliantly beautiful- such an honor.
Can't wait to see what continues to unfold.
The night it all began ...
This photo is from March 26, 2018. The evening all this found me as a world was created over the course of an evening from the magma layer to the surface. Whales, otters, falcons oh my. So much unfolded that evening I stayed in that hole in a rock in Utah at my sacred place. I was told the green at that time that the green would be next. Which now we know to be the heart frequency that is leading this show now.
At that time I didn't even really know the world spiritual or about any of this. Just that I was part of creating a new world and right after I began to be able to be in 2 places at once at the same time with my eyes open. Also the most magnificent colors that told me the most amazing stories. I truly had no idea what was occurring as I could find nothing like it online. I questioned for a year of if I had a brain tumor but being a medical provider it didn't seem to match as it would only happen if I was calm. So many amazing things unfolded , I could see through walls into the sky and even through Jason and trees. I could freeze time and every particle and much much more. It was amazing. As I began to learn what was occurring and who we are , it all faded away and most of my gifts disappeared. I really miss those abilities and the quantum graphics designer I knew was inside me but have learned to honor that I choose to go through a reset of sorts because in nothing I had everything. I had to become an empty vessel so that new ways of being could find me. It is with great honor that I am here in this now moment fully anchored into my heart frequency. Since that time I've been allowed to that world only a couple times. One was to terraform it and it is spectacularly beautiful. The most gorgeous sceneries I have ever seen. And another time to add in the rotation of the planet with my electric pink energy that I am. It's all still a bit of a mystery to me and I've been down many rabbit holes throughout this journey of me. I've long since stopped needing to understand or even really care about what unfolds as I trust in who I am and my intention of frequency in the reality that I am creating.
I am a Phoenix that has burned it all down and am rebirthing into this new magnificent me. I am so grateful for every moment. I lost all of me along the way and have found a new me every moment. Such love in my heart. I truly am honored to be here with you all in this moment. What an Ana ing experience we have the opportunity to be a part of.
One big giant hug as I wrap my arms around all of you and hold you in my heart. Thank you. 🙏 Beyond grateful 💕
To those reaching out for guidance from others. Be aware of who you are letting into your field. These are new arenas for all of us and it's a learning process. Many are picking up entities as the provider isn't aware that their own field isn't cleared. You think you are getting help and walk away with new attachments. Be Leary of those who want to heal you. That indicates that they still see you as broken and needing repair.
What we need to remember is that you are already activated, whole and complete. You need nothing than to realize it within.
If you want someone to tell you a story about how you aren't enough and you're less than what you are than the matrix will bring you a person to tell you that story.
Many of these healers have the best of intentions and are working within their current frameworks of their own journey. I'm not sure if they realize that's exactly what they are doing. They see people as broken and therefore want to heal them. Hence all the healers in the world for all the "suffering" broken people.
If we look at people as whole and not broken then healing is no longer needed. We can guide people along their path, help empower them to look within themselves, offer fresh perspectives, assist energy flow and encourage them to become conscious creators.
We get to choose our experiences and who is cowriting our story with us. Use discernment. Trust your intuition. Follow your heart. If something feels off, heed that feeling. It's ok to simply not respond to someone, to just block someone without saying why, to let anyone go who just isn't in attunement with your current energetic vibration. After all it's only you.
Love you. We don't have to do this alone, we benefit immensely from guidance from mentors and friends. Learn to empower yourself by the choices you make and who the cowriters of your reality are.
Heart wide open
Wow! What a neat place to arrive to these last 3 days. A place within where you can keep your heart open regardless of others vibrations. It doesn’t mean you still aren’t triggered briefly and that you don’t react at times. When you do though you walk away with a smile on your face and joy in your heart regardless. You have honor for your own journey and the totality that is you and you honor the journey and where each individual is at in their own journey. Let them have their story. I choose unconditional love and happiness. I choose to keep my heart open no matter where the pendulum swings on the polarity stick.
What fun this all is 💕 Bliss and joy are the frequency I choose.
Be soft on yourself and those around you. Each of us is digging in and fighting our own shadows. You can't do it for them as they have to choose it for themselves themselves but we can be aware and give them the space and support to see what's truly coming up for processing within. Don't take anything personally, it's not about you. Be patient, don't react to the shrapnel being thrown at you. It's just misdirected energy as they find their way back to their truest self. Give them a hug and let them know they got this. That they are doing great and it's alright to kick and scream as it all gets burned down. Honor those emotions as they will be repurposed as you reinvent yourself and learn to direct that energy in new ways that have yet to be revealed. Be there for your loved ones , don't absorb their energy. It's not yours to have. Trust they are working it out on their own schedule that's perfect for them. We are rising. Yes it's messy to behold but it's an incredible journey that I am happy to be on.
Master Puppeteer
Being an observer and no longer directing energy means not only have you cut your own puppet strings and freed yourself but that you then cut the strings of all that you have been the master puppeteer of.
Finding others
Source always brings me just the energy I need. We had the opportunity to meet up with our van life friends from the festival. The most inspiring brave single woman travelers who all met each other in this adventure to Baja. When you're at a point in your journey where you're told to just be and observe and no longer direct energy. It gets a bit odd feeling as we've been focusing so much on healing and finding you me truly is. Now that I am I just get to be me. Meeting this amazing group of ladies plus the 2 guys there has shown me how much magnetism is increasing and how our community in real face to face meetings is ramping up. And to be conscious and aware and open to exploring themselves just fills me with so much joy in what we as a whole are creating together. To watch it unfold is just brilliant. It renews my optimism and why love is the answer to it all. This group holds no judgements and allows each to express themselves freely and openly. It's been quite beautiful. And I enjoy the opportunity to have full conversations so that I may continue to expand and evolve. Beyond grateful for this meeting of souls 💕
We stopped by Cabo plumo reef area / arbilitos cove for some snorkeling and what a treat !! So many fishies. At least 30 different species. Just spectacular to behold.
Even when not in the water they are surrounding me, so many sea life spirit guides by my side night and day. Thank you all for your wisdom and insights and support. Swimming effortlessly through the ebbs and tides 🐳🐠🐟🐋🐢
We arrived in Cabo a day early per universal guidance and are having fun townie days eating veggie sushi , sipping sake mmmmm, last night had the most yummy pizza. Every now and then it's nice to have someone else do the cooking and make foods you can't really make yourself on the stovetop.
Just loving life , instant manifestations , observing the glow and just being me.
Myra - party of one , connected to all, lovingly collaborating with all you beautiful co writers of our new reality 💕🐳💕🐳
Feeling better than ever , see past the illusion and it can't hurt you anymore. 💕 freedom
If you say you are being targeted then law of attraction gets you that frequency. When you speak war all the time then you get war. You speak about disease, you get disease.
It is so nice to be free of that programming and know that it can't touch me as it's just me in my own universe. So if I don't invite you in then read the fine print I posted on the door that says no entry.
Who's in charge of your universe ? 💕
We made it to La Paz where we were going to snorkel in the Sea of Cortez. On our first night we found a home on beach for our first day until we knew where we wanted to be. We had decided to head to Tecolote. That day a group of vans pulls in next to us and it's a group of ladies. They tell us about a huge van festival starting tomorrow in Tecolote that was going on for next 5 days. So off we went to camp with hundreds of other van lifers.
The group of girls were spectacular and embracing their journey of self as they travelled in their cute homes. We just fell in love with our new family and we honored to share our quantum energy offerings with them expanding their lightbodies. We met so many other amazing beings while there , found our vibrations instantly. To witness the increasing magnetism in the field is truly awe- inspiring. It blew my heart parts wide open to witness how this is all unfolding. Like finds like. Together we are evolving and healing and choosing our freedom. Thank you to all for your bravery and courage to leave traditional life and explore yourself in unknown places, Flowing through the fun adventures of life on the road. Truly blessed to have met so many conscious beings. Thank you ever so much for your presence here in this moment. 💕☀️💕☀️
Free yourself
I was writing this out for a client today and wanted to share it with all of you as so many are still trapped in their victimhood and injustices frameworks.
First - you are the most powerful being. Nothing is more powerful than you.
Second- we choose all our experiences, consciously or not As hard as it is to accept that we choose to torture ourselves it is what all humans do to varying degrees. We choose to be victims to all things around us. We choose fear. We choose to look outside ourselves for everything because looking inward is way harder
Freedom only comes from freeing yourself of this mental matrix we've put ourselves in , we have 7000 yrs of bad programming that we are trying to undo. It's crazy hard but once you see the illusion , the game flips. And you begin to take back your power.
When you realize that everyone is a hired actor picked by you to play in this movie of you. That's when you start to get you back.
If we continue to look outside of ourselves then we continue to feed them our power.
Demons/ descending beings / / black magic- they only work because we think they have that kind of power. We allow them the opportunity with mental agreements that invite them into our field. We say you are more powerful than me. I am a victim. I am helpless. We choose to despise them, hate them - which feeds them more power.
To break the cycle we need to look at what aspect of us requires awareness and transmutation. Which parts are still identifying with the victim mentality. The betrayals throughout our lives. Ultimately we have to forgive ourselves for wanting to be a victim. It's twisted but we came here to experience polarity. So polarity is what we are trapped in. In eyes of source there are no good or bad experiences- all things simply just are- a expression of energy. An experience. We label them good or bad. If we don't have bad then we don't appreciate the good as much. Fun program huh. It really is beautiful though as love is something only humans can experience. So we honor all sides- the good , the bad because we are all of it. We all descend to ascend. We have all been the bad guys.
So when you look at another being and you see bad or good it is judgement. And ultimately you are judging yourself at the deepest level.
So we stop judging others for their actions and the hardest one to do is to stop judging ourselves. We honor the presence and give gratitude for the experience. Or we spiral back and keep doing it again. Crazy cycle humans get trapped in.
The only way out is in. So we rewrite our perspectives, we drop the old frameworks and we dive in to ourselves. We need to forgive ourselves. We need to recognize the pattern is within us. We love being victims. It's an identity that we all choose.
When we react to things we have instantly given them our power. It's that simple. We need to master the art of non reaction. It's the law of attraction.
Highly recommend watching the documentary called the Secret to better grasp this concept.
Where our focus goes our energy flows. So when you react the universe doesn't know whether you want it or not. It just sees you reacting and says - she wants more of that frequency as she is responding to it. So you get more of that frequency. And the cycle continues. When you no longer react then you stop the loop. It truly does work. We take away its power by not feeding it anymore energy. We can stop reacting by realizing it's just an old pattern within. So we look inside, and we see where it is arising from at the core level and we honor that part of us. We aren't trying to kill off our shadows, they are valuable at times. We learn to walk hand in hand with them. No longer judging them but just by seeing them and their role in our lives. We acknowledge it's a part of us.
This is how to start freeing yourself from the mental matrix we are in.
We stop seeing anything as outside of us. We claim back our power. We take charge of our actions. We become unfuckwithable. We remember who we are. Everything that o cuts is just a reminder to help you remember who you truly are. The creator. A super conscious multidimensional galactic being. You are powerful beyond comprehension. Every word/ thought creates your reality. Tweak your words/ your thoughts and suddenly your reality changes around you. It really does work. There are now many of us who have figured this out and are examples for the others of what is possible. Rewrite your story line. It's your book. You turn the page when your ready.
So simple- yet so challenging for all of us. Free yourself. Love is the answer. Unconditional love , non judgement of all beings. , acceptance , non re-action.
Everyone here wins the Emmy for their acting roles. They are doing them perfectly. Their base energy is the same as yours. Like you they just signed up for that acting role. When we watch a movie and there is a bad guy. Once the movie is o er and you saw the same actor on the street - do you treat him like the person he is originally or like the axe murderer you just saw him
Playing in his last film. None of this is any different. You applaud his acting role.
I hope this fresh perspective assists your journey inward.
I send all humans strength and courage to see themselves in all things and honor that aspect of themselves. Releasing its power over them.
So much love from my heart to you. I have been here and now I am free. 💕
A story written by a client Joseph about us.
Jason Gerdes AKA The Quantum Dimensional Architect and Myra Gerdes AKA The Quantum Dimensional Blueprint writer are continuously are weaving their energy in magic together. As they continue to go on their travels across the universe helping One planet at a time helping one person at a time. Their story has just begun as they continue to travel they find those along the way that need help that they can give their strength energy and advice to. They continue moving forward not knowing where the open road will take them that's what makes them beautiful. The amazing fighters and warriors they are of the universe continue fighting to do what is right in this universe.
They weave and create new universes everyday working hand in hand to create the next stage of human evolution.
These two are forced to be reckoned with they are very ancient and they know the mysteries to life and the universe itself.
They weave new realities every day they strengthen people everyday continuing to do what they do to do what is right in the universe and help everybody one person at a time.
They have traveled to cosmos in the multidimensional universe standing by each other side fighting battles that no one else sees keeping this world safe for another generation there are others that fight by their side as well but no one will know the battles the wars that they fight against tyrants and the aggressors of the universe.
This is their story this is their truth this is who they are I just happen to be privileged call myself their friend for I am Joseph Grimm AKA Darrick Ta'Vae The Grand Quantum Dimensional Architect.
I simply and privileged enough to tell their story so I can continue on for generations to come so they will not be forgotten. They will be remembered as Legends amongst the ones that have come before then the ones that come after them.
What's the purpose ?
So much has occurred this year. It's been awe inspiring and amazing and challenging and disorienting. I feel a bit lost right now even though I've found myself further. Nothing is the same anymore. Which is acceptable but I feel like a horse with blinders on. Only able to see a couple feet ahead of me. I've made it to a place where you realize there is no meaning to life unless you assign it one. That feels weird. By leaving the collective I no longer have a purpose. Agsin you get to choose. Which is all great except how to assign meaning and purpose when you dont really know what the options are. It's odd place to reside at momentarily and I'm embracing it the best I can. Knowing this is not a time of doing anymore but being. Trusting. There is no more guidance withinn in the same ways. There is intuition and a level of knowing. I can't even ask if this xxx is best fir me because the higher self knows there is no best , it simply accepts all experiences. So the direction gauge is no longer there. I have to trust that very first instinct. There is no himmimg and hawing and asking twice. If you weren't tuned in to that first subtle cue then too bad. After that it's only the mind that answers. And I'm only observing that aspect as the heart is leading the way from here. Earth technology - doesn't feel the same. I don't register energy the same. Like crystals. - barely hold their same powers. Nothing works the same anymore. Which I know is all part of this amazing process and I honor and have gratitude for this new experience. I stay fucused in this moment of now. Not worrying about what's ahead because honestly I have no freaking clue. None of this is as we thought and that's great. There is joy in unpredictability. So this week I am working on just being. Staying present in the now. Really appreciating the small things. Finding the beauty in all of it. Learning passion when there is no real purpose or meaning. Working to align around me the waveforms of energy that I wish to expamd. with. Making sure that all my actions arise from my heart and not ego.
Not knowing exactly what to create because it feels limiting. I'm focusing on feeling my way as my mind can only take me so far. Jason and I have always had a frequency for what we create together. We call it Barhomia. It's a frequency of being , it's A species Barhomian sapien sapien. It's a way of living life frim the heart that embraces that space of unconditional love and acceptance. It's home to us and to all who reside in that frequency of being. So this week I found passion in breathing in that frequency of barhomia and letting it unfold further into reality , a place where the density feels lighter, hearts are expansive with all the love and joy. No longer bound by earth templates. There is an Unbound freedom of creativity and expression as it builds with its own momentum of infinite potential.
It's beautiful and expansive. We were able to step foot there and see the first glimpses - it was breathtaking. The scenery is whatever you want to create. It's an open palette of expression. It feels so amazing and I am excited for whatever unfolds. Embracing the frequency of pure potential. Accepting the limited vision and knowing as it's all just wonderful for me. Acknowledging this moment of transition feels uncomfortable and honoring it.
My old about me section
Myra Gerdes
What a life mine has been!
If someone had ever told me previously that I’d ever do anything other than practice medicine, I would have laughed and said not possible. I absolutely loved what I did. I had been practicing Ear, Nose, and Throat as a Physician Associate for 20 years and each day I loved going into work and helping my patients. It's what I was good at. It's rewarding. I was hugged every day. I went home feeling satisfied that I did my part in helping shine a little brightness and positivity into someone else’s day. Making them feel like a whole person instead of just the illness they came in for. I excelled at what I did and have built many amazing relationships over the years.
Why I left the work I love?
Good question. In 2018 I developed gifts after going through some challenging times in my life. I had no idea what they were or why they were happening. Just that I could suddenly see and understand things that no-one around me could. I questioned whether I had a brain tumor. I debated for a whole year if I should spend the money and get an MRI. But it didn’t feel like a brain tumor. I could see the most amazing colors that told me emotions and stories. It was so beautiful. But it only happened when I was calm or connected. Brain tumors don’t act that way, they don’t discriminate.
And, besides, I was working towards retirement and traveling the world in the next 5-10 years. And I was making it happen. I love the outdoors and am a grand adventurer. I love staring at the stars and live outside every moment I can. I didn’t want to work harder and start from rock bottom. It didn’t feel right to me. I wracked my brain and my heart and dug really deep to see what felt right for me.
What was happening to me?
I finally figured it out! Sure, I knew people could see auras but that wasn’t what I was seeing. I could be in two places at same time, sitting and talking with someone while sharing with you with eyes open or closed. I researched the internet and found nothing describing what I was seeing. I had to accept it was what it was and maybe someday the answers would reveal themselves to me. There were many more amazing things that began to happen. Different gifts came and went and finally, in early 2021, I was called to reach out to a reader/mentor online named Christopher McBride. I emailed him and said, “I have no idea why I am contacting you I was just told to reach out.” We chatted and I began his spiritual classes. My life has never been the same.
I was informed that I was an energy body, a starseed.
Little did I know what that actually means. I was told I needed to align myself with my true path of helping others on their spiritual journey. I needed to find my niche. How do I figure out what my spiritual niche is when I’m just beginning to understand what spirituality entails? I became an online moderator for several awakening groups. I began to explore what I was really good at. I am a manifestor and I lead by example. I always take the positives from every situation. I have endured and learned from many challenges throughout my life. I’ve always enjoyed helping others conquer those similar challenges.
My Ah Ha Moment!
Usually, I immerse myself in people’s lives and provide guidance of an alternative way to live and be. People are brought into my life and then off they go to take what they learned and apply it on their own.
I have combined my passion for the outdoors and camping with my spiritual journey. This is how I’ve found a way to immerse myself more in people’s lives and not just talk to them for an hour here and there online?
Thus, the WILDERNESS SPIRITUAL RETREATS were created!! This is my niche: I provide life changing experiences to connect to ourselves and Gaia. Nature is such an important part of our being. We need it to be grounded and calm and just be one with ourselves.
This combines my passion for outdoor travel and adventures along with helping others on their spiritual journey. Our retreats incorporates meditation, yoga, Qigong, counseling, energy work, healing modalities, and planetary discussions to learn who we really are and why we choose this path for ourselves. We learn to evolve our consciousness through awareness and release those things that no longer serve us so we can become our higher dimensional self.
We are so much more than just our physical bodies and learning to embrace that allows you to flourish and receive amazing gifts of abundance and fulfillment. We work toward unconditional love for all sentient beings. We all need help on this journey and I am excited to share your journey with you.
Star Magic
I was guided to sign up for the Star Magic class and holy moly- did that ever change things for me. My path was being laid out clearer and clearer and this was just the final piece that I really needed to go out and do what I do best- Be Me! This quantum soul technology was the missing piece I was needing in order to transition to my new life out on the road in Fall 2022. Leaving traditional medicine was challenging as I had worked my whole life to be a medical provider. I loved my job and helping people all day. The hugs and smiles I received from my patients daily were hard to give up. Knowing I made a difference in someone’s life. Star magic is able to offer so much more. To be able to facilitate healing through energy technology that aligns with my souls purpose at the same time, seems like a dream come true. There are many great things in western medicine but as we begin to understand that all disease is just dis-ease within our energy selves it opens up a whole new advanced way of helping others. To be able to facilitate healing remotely and without medications is beyond amazing. And the best thing is - it truly works. Success story after success story. All illnesses are the same, none any worse than another as it's all just trapped energy. I have so much gratitude to be able to provide these services to others. I look forward to sharing this new quantum level technology that has been gifted to us with you.
Immersion Retreat
Yesterday the 3 of us had energy practice day. We wanted to practice feeling our field so that we could better sense when something was interacting with our energy. So after starting the morning off practicing dream recall codes which lead to some great revelations and breakthroughs we set up a practice arena for feeling different kinds of things in our field
What does a parasite feel like , a energy cord , an entity , technology. Then we helped Mary learn how to make lightning bolts to disseminate info/ energy/ healing into grids or to individuals.
What an absolutely fantastic day of being connected and learning energy.
The day before we played with the redwood trees and grounding and merging consciousness and releasing frameworks and facilitated healing.
This is our everyday but we invite you to come join us and let us assist your own personal transformation. You can come to us or we can come to you wherever you are in the world.
Pushing through the density
Great job humanity! You/We are doing this. That was a monstrous push through density last night. You are cracking it.
You are supported. You are so loved. Keep trusting. I could only give you a sneak preview last night as we break through the surface. You are doing amazing. So honored. The ego needs to come into balance a bit more. Keep going Earth teams. More diamond light and sparkles coming your way. Sending you so much love 💕
A gift to myself 💕
7/20/23. A gift from myself
So we had just watched the most amazing sunset with lightning and thunder mixed in. After I was just looking up at stars and suddenly this energy filled my head, went down my spine, ripped into my sacral area and then within seconds I became instantly lightheaded and was going to pass out. I sat down immediately and let the energy flow through until I could regain my composure and stand. Happened 2 more times right after. Each time I was able to get to ground and let it pass. Trying to get to van so I could get to a soft spot as wasn't sure what else was incoming. Then another wave came in , barely got to ground and this time jason sat behind me and I may have actually passed out on that one for a brief moment.
Once in van there would be different energies felt all over body. Intense pain through sacrum as it felt like it was ripping apart. Told it was unfolding. I just continued to observe and try and maintain stillpoint. Slept hard that night. Felt very soft next day. Unsure exactly what I did to myself but very grateful for the work done.
From Jason's perspective as I was pretty unaware of what was happening as just taking in the energy.
Myra’s lightning bolt of ascension
While camping in the Uinta mountain range, Myra was hit with a large amount of energy. Just before the energy came in, I was contacted by the queens ship of the Taygetans from the Pleidian star system. They told me that a big energy was coming into my location. I was holding Myra around the waist from behind at that time and just then I felt a large amount of energy come into her body. I could see the energy as yellow golden light with a white center. I asked her how she was feeling and she said OK, but then started to get a little weak in the knees. Then, she told me that she was about ready to faint. The starship contacted me again and asked me how Myra was doing and I told them that she was feeling lightheaded. They then told me that the burst of energy came from outside of our solar system and they tracked it because it was coming through the earths atmosphere. They said it was not local. I contacted Myra’s higher self, and she told me that she had initiated the energy burst. About that same time Myra passed out, so I slowly guided her to the ground and put her body between my knees and her head on my chest. I knew that she would want to wake up in my arms. When she came too, we got her to her feet and I contacted Dr. Know on our spaceship to begin monitoring her. Both doctor Know and the Pleidian ‘s started monitoring her from that point forward. After that, we walked around to go to the bathroom, and Myra felt faint three or four more times. So, we walked together back to the van and got her into bed. While we were walking back to the van, I can see the new energy inside of her that was Golden with a white core. The light started to change into a scrolls or a piece of wound up paper. The paper started to unwind itself, and Myra‘s higher self told me that it was going to be slowly delivering energy and abilities to Myra. I asked Myra‘s higher self about this, and she showed me an image of her along time ago when she was fully intact and powered up. She had started to spin and then released a large amount of energy to send off to any parts of her or shards of her consciousness that might need her help in the future. This energy would unlock their abilities and their knowledge once they received it. Myra‘s higher self also told me that it was very difficult to get this energy to us because we have been bouncing timelines so much. In the end, it was Myra who pulled the energy to her to make sure that it was a direct hit.
I continued to inquire what was going on as she a bit out of it and still receiving waves of energy. There was an architect guy working feverishly away inside and I was told that it was alright and to let him work. The Pleidians said it wasn't really myra they were interested in. They just wanted to know what the heck the energy was that came bolting through the sysyem.
I am source
I am a speck of energy in a waveform of experience. Nothing more, nothing less.
Ground Crew
A client asked recently who are the ground crew -
ground crew are a bridge from upper to lower dimensions , they also change the frequency of the material plane, help stabilize field, communicate with other people on ground allowing for new perspectives in those that cross our paths, They are examples for others.
Step into your power of all that is you. You choose this mission , it's time to step up and serve. 💕