What's the purpose ?
So much has occurred this year. It's been awe inspiring and amazing and challenging and disorienting. I feel a bit lost right now even though I've found myself further. Nothing is the same anymore. Which is acceptable but I feel like a horse with blinders on. Only able to see a couple feet ahead of me. I've made it to a place where you realize there is no meaning to life unless you assign it one. That feels weird. By leaving the collective I no longer have a purpose. Agsin you get to choose. Which is all great except how to assign meaning and purpose when you dont really know what the options are. It's odd place to reside at momentarily and I'm embracing it the best I can. Knowing this is not a time of doing anymore but being. Trusting. There is no more guidance withinn in the same ways. There is intuition and a level of knowing. I can't even ask if this xxx is best fir me because the higher self knows there is no best , it simply accepts all experiences. So the direction gauge is no longer there. I have to trust that very first instinct. There is no himmimg and hawing and asking twice. If you weren't tuned in to that first subtle cue then too bad. After that it's only the mind that answers. And I'm only observing that aspect as the heart is leading the way from here. Earth technology - doesn't feel the same. I don't register energy the same. Like crystals. - barely hold their same powers. Nothing works the same anymore. Which I know is all part of this amazing process and I honor and have gratitude for this new experience. I stay fucused in this moment of now. Not worrying about what's ahead because honestly I have no freaking clue. None of this is as we thought and that's great. There is joy in unpredictability. So this week I am working on just being. Staying present in the now. Really appreciating the small things. Finding the beauty in all of it. Learning passion when there is no real purpose or meaning. Working to align around me the waveforms of energy that I wish to expamd. with. Making sure that all my actions arise from my heart and not ego.
Not knowing exactly what to create because it feels limiting. I'm focusing on feeling my way as my mind can only take me so far. Jason and I have always had a frequency for what we create together. We call it Barhomia. It's a frequency of being , it's A species Barhomian sapien sapien. It's a way of living life frim the heart that embraces that space of unconditional love and acceptance. It's home to us and to all who reside in that frequency of being. So this week I found passion in breathing in that frequency of barhomia and letting it unfold further into reality , a place where the density feels lighter, hearts are expansive with all the love and joy. No longer bound by earth templates. There is an Unbound freedom of creativity and expression as it builds with its own momentum of infinite potential.
It's beautiful and expansive. We were able to step foot there and see the first glimpses - it was breathtaking. The scenery is whatever you want to create. It's an open palette of expression. It feels so amazing and I am excited for whatever unfolds. Embracing the frequency of pure potential. Accepting the limited vision and knowing as it's all just wonderful for me. Acknowledging this moment of transition feels uncomfortable and honoring it.