Immersion Retreat

Yesterday the 3 of us had energy practice day. We wanted to practice feeling our field so that we could better sense when something was interacting with our energy. So after starting the morning off practicing dream recall codes which lead to some great revelations and breakthroughs we set up a practice arena for feeling different kinds of things in our field

What does a parasite feel like , a energy cord , an entity , technology. Then we helped Mary learn how to make lightning bolts to disseminate info/ energy/ healing into grids or to individuals.

What an absolutely fantastic day of being connected and learning energy.

The day before we played with the redwood trees and grounding and merging consciousness and releasing frameworks and facilitated healing.

This is our everyday but we invite you to come join us and let us assist your own personal transformation. You can come to us or we can come to you wherever you are in the world.


My old about me section


Pushing through the density