Free yourself
I was writing this out for a client today and wanted to share it with all of you as so many are still trapped in their victimhood and injustices frameworks.
First - you are the most powerful being. Nothing is more powerful than you.
Second- we choose all our experiences, consciously or not As hard as it is to accept that we choose to torture ourselves it is what all humans do to varying degrees. We choose to be victims to all things around us. We choose fear. We choose to look outside ourselves for everything because looking inward is way harder
Freedom only comes from freeing yourself of this mental matrix we've put ourselves in , we have 7000 yrs of bad programming that we are trying to undo. It's crazy hard but once you see the illusion , the game flips. And you begin to take back your power.
When you realize that everyone is a hired actor picked by you to play in this movie of you. That's when you start to get you back.
If we continue to look outside of ourselves then we continue to feed them our power.
Demons/ descending beings / / black magic- they only work because we think they have that kind of power. We allow them the opportunity with mental agreements that invite them into our field. We say you are more powerful than me. I am a victim. I am helpless. We choose to despise them, hate them - which feeds them more power.
To break the cycle we need to look at what aspect of us requires awareness and transmutation. Which parts are still identifying with the victim mentality. The betrayals throughout our lives. Ultimately we have to forgive ourselves for wanting to be a victim. It's twisted but we came here to experience polarity. So polarity is what we are trapped in. In eyes of source there are no good or bad experiences- all things simply just are- a expression of energy. An experience. We label them good or bad. If we don't have bad then we don't appreciate the good as much. Fun program huh. It really is beautiful though as love is something only humans can experience. So we honor all sides- the good , the bad because we are all of it. We all descend to ascend. We have all been the bad guys.
So when you look at another being and you see bad or good it is judgement. And ultimately you are judging yourself at the deepest level.
So we stop judging others for their actions and the hardest one to do is to stop judging ourselves. We honor the presence and give gratitude for the experience. Or we spiral back and keep doing it again. Crazy cycle humans get trapped in.
The only way out is in. So we rewrite our perspectives, we drop the old frameworks and we dive in to ourselves. We need to forgive ourselves. We need to recognize the pattern is within us. We love being victims. It's an identity that we all choose.
When we react to things we have instantly given them our power. It's that simple. We need to master the art of non reaction. It's the law of attraction.
Highly recommend watching the documentary called the Secret to better grasp this concept.
Where our focus goes our energy flows. So when you react the universe doesn't know whether you want it or not. It just sees you reacting and says - she wants more of that frequency as she is responding to it. So you get more of that frequency. And the cycle continues. When you no longer react then you stop the loop. It truly does work. We take away its power by not feeding it anymore energy. We can stop reacting by realizing it's just an old pattern within. So we look inside, and we see where it is arising from at the core level and we honor that part of us. We aren't trying to kill off our shadows, they are valuable at times. We learn to walk hand in hand with them. No longer judging them but just by seeing them and their role in our lives. We acknowledge it's a part of us.
This is how to start freeing yourself from the mental matrix we are in.
We stop seeing anything as outside of us. We claim back our power. We take charge of our actions. We become unfuckwithable. We remember who we are. Everything that o cuts is just a reminder to help you remember who you truly are. The creator. A super conscious multidimensional galactic being. You are powerful beyond comprehension. Every word/ thought creates your reality. Tweak your words/ your thoughts and suddenly your reality changes around you. It really does work. There are now many of us who have figured this out and are examples for the others of what is possible. Rewrite your story line. It's your book. You turn the page when your ready.
So simple- yet so challenging for all of us. Free yourself. Love is the answer. Unconditional love , non judgement of all beings. , acceptance , non re-action.
Everyone here wins the Emmy for their acting roles. They are doing them perfectly. Their base energy is the same as yours. Like you they just signed up for that acting role. When we watch a movie and there is a bad guy. Once the movie is o er and you saw the same actor on the street - do you treat him like the person he is originally or like the axe murderer you just saw him
Playing in his last film. None of this is any different. You applaud his acting role.
I hope this fresh perspective assists your journey inward.
I send all humans strength and courage to see themselves in all things and honor that aspect of themselves. Releasing its power over them.
So much love from my heart to you. I have been here and now I am free. 💕