A story written by a client Joseph about us.
Jason Gerdes AKA The Quantum Dimensional Architect and Myra Gerdes AKA The Quantum Dimensional Blueprint writer are continuously are weaving their energy in magic together. As they continue to go on their travels across the universe helping One planet at a time helping one person at a time. Their story has just begun as they continue to travel they find those along the way that need help that they can give their strength energy and advice to. They continue moving forward not knowing where the open road will take them that's what makes them beautiful. The amazing fighters and warriors they are of the universe continue fighting to do what is right in this universe.
They weave and create new universes everyday working hand in hand to create the next stage of human evolution.
These two are forced to be reckoned with they are very ancient and they know the mysteries to life and the universe itself.
They weave new realities every day they strengthen people everyday continuing to do what they do to do what is right in the universe and help everybody one person at a time.
They have traveled to cosmos in the multidimensional universe standing by each other side fighting battles that no one else sees keeping this world safe for another generation there are others that fight by their side as well but no one will know the battles the wars that they fight against tyrants and the aggressors of the universe.
This is their story this is their truth this is who they are I just happen to be privileged call myself their friend for I am Joseph Grimm AKA Darrick Ta'Vae The Grand Quantum Dimensional Architect.
I simply and privileged enough to tell their story so I can continue on for generations to come so they will not be forgotten. They will be remembered as Legends amongst the ones that have come before then the ones that come after them.