Creating Space

Embracing new potentials. As one door closes we allow the opportunity for new opportunities to unfold before us. The door closed to the old reality a couple weeks back and now it’s that moment of allowing the old reality to implode with love within each of ourselves , knowing that we carry forth the essence of all that was. We have no idea of what lies in the next slide of the projector but I am open to whatever experience it brings. Stepping out of linearity , stepping beyond time and knowing that things can simply just be. We’ve been training for this our whole lives, we are adaptable and able to flow with whatever arrives to us. Standing still , knowing there is no place to go, nothing to do other than to just be fully present in each new now moment. We shift our gaze from looking out to now looking only within until you see an empty mirror 🪞 From here we have limitless potentials of being. Connected to the I, the me , the we, the one 💕 What lies beyond the veil of separation? I’m willing to allow for these new potentials to occur without hesitation , fully trusting in my frequency of heart centered beingness. Merged with pure unconditional love 💗 I spread my wings as I remember how to fly. Heart wide open and allowing. Feeling the excitement and passion of new adventures that are bringing me so much joy and happiness. I have no idea what transpires or what this new reality will look like and that’s alright. I let go of all preconceived notions, castings and I choose to be in each new now moment with fresh eyes. Seeing again for the very first time. A glorious unveiling , free to be me in my full expression. I am not alone.

So so grateful for all the love and support I receive in every moment. Yes please! Keep showing me all the ways I can receive 💕💕💕




Have you closed the door to the old ?