Have you closed the door to the old ?

Have you closed the door to the old reality yet? Still trying to play in both ? Have you transmuted and found all your parts/players down in the shadows and brought them up for acknowledgement and reflection and back to zero point ?

Do you still need the stories of the old to feed your ego , still needing to experience pain and suffering, to still fight in some battle of light and dark ? It's all just you , the story will go on and on as long as you still need that part to be played.

Are you still focused on fighting the old system which in turn is you choosing to keep it in existence. Or can you let it all go. ALL OF IT, every last little bit. Can you Find a new way to value yourself when nothing is broken and you accept every part of you and everyone around you.

What are you still needing to see within yourself to fully allow yourself to simply just be?

What happens when you adjust your focus to creating the new?

It's always your choice , at your own pace , but to be here you can't be there. 💕💕

Leave your baggage and your old stories at the door. They simply can't exist at these frequencies. Come play when you are ready, it's really quite spectacular 🌈


Creating Space

