
We appreciate your support during this pause moment for integration into the new frequencies of creation. We just left Sedona where magic always happens. This trip was another spectacular visit full of inner expansion and transmutation as we continue to let go of all old frameworks that simply no longer are able to exist in this new now moment. Here we collapsed the ‘Eye/I” program that revolves around separation and moved back in to the we-ness that is all. We will be adapting our vocabulary to assist in anchoring in the new oneness frequencies of the we. We have new guides that have joined us. One interesting change in guides is Metatron. Previously we had worked with his highest aspect but now he and Sandalphon have merged in to their oneness and are referenced as the Great Angel Hua. Below is a great article that discusses much of what unfolded during our visit in Sedona . So much fun!!

I know Jason is posting our adventures on Facebook and Instagram but I do miss seeing everyone dually. I am super appreciative though the information that finds me even while off media is perfectly timed and that if there is a galactic collaboration to be apart of it is magnetized directly to me at the exact moment its needed. Another conformation that there is nothing to do but just be. Stay present in only this moment of now. Allow the chaos to fade away. There is only a linear story if one needs that to feed the ego. Keep letting go and use discernment when choosing your cocreatorrs. Trust your intuition. Its knows the way. Big hugs to everyone. So much love and honor to this great we.


Tulum March 15-22


Creating Space