This has been a very transformative month. Sharing the energies in Egypt with other light beings, having high level discussions daily for 3 weeks straight was so uplifting. To meet new soul family. To witness each others growths and see how this puzzle comes together is truly amazing. To see each persons role unfold , unique to them, but just as valuable as the next persons role in this collective shift in consciousness. The last 5 days was doing plant medicine ceremonies and that was where some huge personal breakthroughs occurre. I was able to crack the code in my programming. When you can be fully in heart and connected the mathematics come out perfect and that's where the fun really begins in designing and programming our field. Being there with Star Magic team felt like a welcoming committee monitoring your progression of ascension and making sure you were integrating successfully. There was tears and pain and complete vulnerability in letting go. Letting it all go in such a safe environment of such magnificent souls. The process of integrating all that unfolded definitely brought you into your mind a bit as you tried to innerstand all the new parts of you that were discovered / remembered. We took a week off grid as guided to one of our sacred places in green river Utah and reconnected back into our heart and our our divine union with each other. Able to move forward now with more grace and ease. Letting it now flow to you. Sometimes there are action periods , sometimes there are times to go into receiving mode. This is that time of allowing the flow into you to reap the rewards of your hard work.
What a beautiful process of self. There will still be challenges ahead as we continue to unravel ourselves into our true diamond light bodies. Innerstand that it's all for us and all for our highest good. Keep your focus and keep shining and healing and dissolving old frameworks. It a glorious journey. To be one with all and experience the joy of just being ones true self.
I thank each and everyone of you for being such an integral part of my journey , for helping to fill in the pieces to the best puzzle ever. Just love you. Love me Love all of this. Thank you 🙏 ever so grateful 💕